Andrius Guide -
Beginner to Speed Team
Boss Guides

How to Beat Andrius
In this Detailed Progression Guide, I will be going over how to beat Andrius the Wolf Weekly Boss by breaking down his attack patterns along with comps for your first starter team to a fast and efficient speed team.
After reading this guide you should have a good idea of what characters you need to build for whatever stage of the game you’re at.
The goal of this guide is to get your team to a 100% success rate and under 1 min! I want to help you make it as efficiently as possible so you can really maximize on your weekly exp and artifact farming to progress your Genshin Impact account as fast as possible.
Building a 100% success rate speed team is really important as failing is very time consuming which takes away from your ability to build your other characters.
Andrius Rewards
Defeating Andrius gets you a lot of valuable rewards. Not only will he help you get started in getting artifact sets, but he’ll also give you a ton of exp, pieces to craft new weapons and ascension materials for characters. Every player should try to beat Andrius as soon as possible to get access to all these goodies.
Andrius Attacks
BODY SLAM – Andrius will jump high in the air. Before slamming down with great force.
HOW TO EVADE – Once you see the swirling cryo circle beneath you, you will need to dash out of it as quickly as possible to avoid being hit.
SWIPE – Andrius will take a step back and do a big AoE Swipe in front of him.
HOW TO EVADE – You can either time it and dash backwards or dash to the side away from the angle of his attack. *If he steps back and faces to the right he will swipe to the left and vice versa.
SPIN – Andrius will charge his attack, creating a swirling cryo beneath him before unleashing his 360 degrees spin.
HOW TO EVADE – Once you see the swirls under him you need to dodge away from him in order to not get hit.
HOWL– During this phase, the edge of the arena will be covered by an icy floor that deals Cryo DoT.
HOW TO EVADE – This phase is easy. Just avoid the edge, and you’ll be fine.
RUSH – Andrius will create a cryo vortex around himself and strike like a bullet at you dealing cryo damage.
HOW TO EVADE – He will run around in circles around you and attack in a straight line. Once you see the vortex appear around him, dodge either left or right to get out of the path of his attack.
*He can do all the attacks in Phase 1 plus new ones.
RAINING SHARDS– Swirling vortex will appear throughout the battlefield as Ice shards rain down from them.
HOW TO EVADE – Swirls will appear under you no matter where you run. Once it appears, dodge quickly out of the swirl to avoid being hit by the shard.
CRYO BLAST – Andrius faces you down as he deals a big blast dealing cryo damage directly at you.
HOW TO EVADE – He will stand on his hind legs to deliver this attack. Once you see him rise, dodge either left or right to avoid.
WIND BLADES – Andrius fires out 3 wind blades that attack in a straight path.
HOW TO EVADE – The set up is the same as Cryo Blast. The only difference is the color changes to light blue. You can either dodge far left or right to avoid it, or you can do a short dodge and get between the blades.
PHANTOM WOLVES – Andrius summons small wolves to leap and attack you.
HOW TO EVADE – All you have to do is keep moving and don’t stop. If you stop, they will hit you. Sometimes towards this phase it can get a little chaotic with variety of attacks. As long as you keep dodge and dashing you’ll b fine.
additional Tips
If you are very early in the game, you should use a range damage dealer to keep you distance from Andrius. If you have a strong enough shield like Noelle to be able to take hits then you can use a close combat DPS.
F2P EARLY TEAM– This team is completely free to play since all these characters you will get for free as you progress in the game.
Xiangling: She is very useful here since her Pyronado can do constant damage.
Amber: Having two pyro characters gives your team a pyro buff. Amber is also good for dealing damage from a distance making your run safer.
Xingqiu: His burst is great for damage and elemental reactions. Make sure to not attack the Adrius with his E while he is prepping to deal cryo damage since it will freeze you.
Noelle: She is a good shield character to help protect you from some of the damage in case you miss your dodges. She also is great for healing up your team.
SPEED TEAM– This team is an amazingly efficient speed team which focus on very fast single target dps output along with elemental reactions for lots of damage. To improve efficiency, you’ll also need a strong shield to protect you as you nuke down the boss. Keep in mind this comp doesn’t have a strong healer, so you’ll need to take down the boss as fast as possible, so it doesn’t become an issue. If you can’t, you should switch out a Kazuha for a healer.
Hu Tao: She is the queen of 1v1 fights. Her single target attacks are powerful and fast. If you have her C1 she’s even more insane and can do constant charge attacks. Her burst also deals a huge blast of Pyro.
Xingqiu: He is amazing with his rainsword to constantly deal hydro damage and assist Hu Tao with vaporize reaction.
Kazuha: His burst supports swirls the elemental reactions to further boost Hu Tao’s damage output.
Zhongli: His shield is so strong that you don’t need a healer in this comp. Also his burst does nice damage to add to the carnage.
- If you don’t have a strong enough shield than use a range dps character.
- Get out of the cryo radius before Andrius does his attack.
- While Andrius charges, wait until he puts up his vortex before dodging.
- Towards phase 3, keep dodging and moving. Don’t stop or you will get hit by his variety of attacks.
That’s it! I hope this guide was helpful to you and makes it easier to take down this boss. Good luck!